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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                4.3 Risk Management Review  97
               Annual Report 2021/22

               mechanical systems. In FY 2014/15, BTSC entered into a new 15-year long-term   The Company has not experienced any organised labour unions or collective

               maintenance service agreement with Siemens effective from 1 January 2015     work stoppage. However, there is no guarantee that such circumstances will

               to 4 December 2029 (the expiration date of the concession agreement).     not occur in the future.
               According to this new maintenance service agreement, neither party may    As such, BTS Group emphasises on the importance of constant management
               terminate the agreement prior to the expiration. As such, in the event that   and development of employees, by organising training for its personnel and
               Siemens were to fail in maintaining the trains of the electrical and mechanical   mid-level executives to take part in planning management plans to improve their
               system up to par, as specified in the agreement, BTSC would be unable to   capabilities, knowledge, and experience. as the Company also provides attractive
               terminate the contract. However, BTSC may throughout the contractual term,   compensation, welfare, and long-term benefits both monetary and non-monetary
               claim mains damages from Siemens under the performance index. As for the   forms, including provident fund schemes, employee savings cooperative, and
               other 17 trains, 4-car trains purchased from CRRC, they will be maintained and   an employee stock option plan, which can reduce the personnel risk in our
               repaired by BTSC. Whereas, under the train purchase agreement, CRRC would   operations. Moreover, the Company implemented a succession plan in order
               be obligated to train BTSC’s employees to manage and maintain the trains’   to prepare the next generation of executives to maintain and improve upon
               various systems and carry out an overhaul.                                the sustainable growth of the company.

               At present, BTSC has been using its own employees to maintain part of     Reputation Risk
               the train system, such as the automatic fare collection, radio communication, and   The BTS brand has achieved nationwide recognition, with customer satisfaction
               signal transmission system. In addition, to decreasing its reliance on the train   surveys indicating positive public perception. However, despite monitoring and
               manufacturers, BTSC also implements policies to uplift the capabilities of its   analysing customer satisfaction on a regular basis, the business is still exposed
               engineering and maintenance units of tools and equipment relating to the train   to organisational reputation risk. Should the BTS commuter satisfaction levels
               network.                                                                  decline, the Company’s image and business credibility will be impacted, affecting
                                                                                         its future operations and business prospects.
               Personnel Risk
               Hiring and retaining employees are challenging and expensive, especially within   Therefore, the Company set its business direction according to the principle
               the mass transit business and related to data analysis under MIX business as   of good governance and firm commitments against fraud and corruption,
               the required personnel needs to possess high levels of experience, knowledge,   to respect human rights and abide by environmental conservation. BTS Group has
               expertise, with specific skill sets. In such circumstances, the Company may   always been committed to its business goals, principles, and values which are
               have to compete with other business operators to acquire top talent leading   based on honesty and responsibility. It aims to balance and create values to
               to challenges within its business operations. Consequently, BTS Group has   be shared among its businesses as well as emphasising the business operation
               to occasionally depend on external or international service providers to fill   under sustainable growth that takes into account communities, the environment
               the positions where such expertise are required. Therefore, if the Company were   and the best interests of all stakeholders.
               to fail to prepare and develop its personnel in an adequate and timely manner,
               it can affect the Company’s business efficiency and impeding its business goals.
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