Page 94 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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92               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            rights policy and report specifically on them, create internal procedures for   with employee volunteering hours. Our give-back efforts to the community has
            impact assessment, carry out due diligence, maintain a human rights risk   contributed to the betterment of various causes, with the majority dedicated
            register, reduce identified risks and set up a grievance mechanism.       to sponsored rides to underserved groups, education, and sports. All of this
                                                                                      is part of our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.
            The Company annually conducts Human Rights policy review, including
            conducting a comprehensive human rights audit (Human Rights Due Diligence)
            in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.   Relief Bags to Flood Victims in Bang Ban District, Ayutthaya Province.
            The review considers human rights issues from international regulations
            such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on
            Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic,
            Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), as well as the relevant measures to reduce
            risks and remedies in the event that human rights violations occur.

            More details on our Diversity and Inclusion statement can be viewed at

            More details on our Human Rights policy can be viewed at

            More details on other social policies can be viewed at                    VGI Awareness Raising on Climate Change Through the Climate Clock Project

            Social Performance
            Taking care of and taking responsibility for our customers, employees,
            communities and stakeholders, with the aim to improve people’s quality of
            life has always been fundamental to the Company’s operating culture.
            The Company continues to be committed to social responsibility through various
            operations, including setting KPIs and comprehensive disclosure.

            As the economy gradually recovers from the pandemic, the Company
            continues to foster the needs and wellbeing of employees, customers, as well
            as the community and society in whichever way we can. Over the past year,
            the Company has supported numerous initiatives and causes that have a central aim
            of improving the livelihood of communities we serve. Within this year, the value   More details on sustainability management in social dimensions can be found
            of our philanthropic efforts totalled well over THB 65mn, consisting of financial   in the Company’s Sustainability Report FY 2021/22, section 5: BTS Group for
            contribution, in-kind giving of products and services, and the value associated   Social Sustainability.
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