Page 97 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                4.3 Risk Management Review  95
               Annual Report 2021/22

               achieve its determined business objectives, hindering its financial performance   Ridership trends also depend on several uncontrollable factors such as customer
               and development of business prospect.                                     demand, competition in the mass transit industry, traffic conditions, overall
                                                                                         economic conditions, oil price, real estate development around BTS train
               Successful business strategies for the mass transit business rely upon    stations, political rallies, and risks relating to terrorism. In addition, ridership
               (1) decisions and implementations mandated by the government relating to   may be affected by the Company’s reliance on the limited feeder system and
               the national mass transit system expansion plan, (2) the Company’s ability   interchange stations. Moreover, in a case of delay in the development of
               to retain and assess business partners, capture lucrative investment, attain   the mass transit system network, interruption, or other forms of disruption of
               financial support, successful bids for concession, and control of its financial   mass transit systems, these events may negatively impact the feeder system
               and business operations, as well as (3) factors out of its control such as politics.   and ridership trends.
               Moreover, there is no guarantee that the government will follow the current
               mass transit system expansion plan for Bangkok and Greater Bangkok, nor will   Therefore, if farebox revenue or ridership of the BTS SkyTrain Core Network
               the Company be granted the concession for the mass transit system project   decreases or remains the same, as a major unitholder of 33.33%, who
               under its business strategies.                                            receives cash flow from BTSGIF in the form of dividends and capital return,
                                                                                         BTS Group’s operating result and cash inflows may be affected. Since the
               In order to ensure appropriate business strategies are put in place, BTS Group   BTS SkyTrain commenced its services, the farebox revenue has continually been
               carries out regular determination and reviews, paying close attention to political   increasing, except from March 2020 until now, which has been impacted by
               development and changes in government policies.                           the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a negative impact on Company performance.
                                                                                         Nevertheless, the Company expects the number of passengers to gradually
                                                                                         recover once the situation returns to normal.
               Revenue Risk
               The financial performance of BTSC’s mass transit business operations is limited   Market Risk
               by its ability to adjust the fare prices on its Core Network, whereby the effective
               fare and authorised fare are pre-determined according to conditions stated   The Company operates businesses in the mass transit, media, real estate, and
               in the concession agreement and may depend on the effective government    other strategic investments, whereby the nature of each business sector differs
               policies at the time. Although the government may stipulate certain measures     from each other and are affected by different market risk factors. As such,
               to compensate in loss or damages, the Company cannot guarantee that       changes in factors relating to the market such as demand and supply,
               this will always be the case, as the regulation relating to compensation   level of competition, and impacts from changing government policies; may result
               is  broadly  prescribed  and has never been  evaluated,  and  there is  no   in the Company not meeting its projections on its financial performance.
               specific contractual term to govern such compensation. In addition, BTSC
               or BTS Rail Mass Transit Growth Infrastructure Fund (BTSGIF) may decide   BTS Group has prepared an appropriate risk management system for each
               not to adjust the fare prices on the grounds of political, social factors,   business unit to develop and implement risk management guidelines, managing
               ones relating to competition in the mass transit industry, or other factors which may   risks specific to each business unit. The Company is committed to the excellence
               include customer satisfaction and ridership trends. Such factors may impact   of its core businesses in order to create synergies, which would further increase
               farebox revenue.                                                          its competitive advantage.
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