Page 90 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 90

88               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            Project Portfolio (Eligible Green Projects)
            Green Bond proceeds were used to finance or refinance the following eligible Green Projects.

                                                     Category of     Total Project Amount    Cost Incurred         Amount Financed by        % of Finance/
                    Name of Projects       Issuer
                                                  Eligible Investment    (THB mn)         to Mar 2022 (THB mn)  Green Bond Proceeds (THB mn)  Refinance
                     MRT Pink Line         BTSG    Clean Transport         49,400               41,600                   10,800              18%  Finance
                                                                                                                                             82%  Refinance
                     MRT Yellow Line       BTSG    Clean Transport         46,700               42,450                   10,800              17%  Finance
                                                                                                                                             83%  Refinance
               Northern Green Line Extension   BTSG  Clean Transport       12,100               11,900                    5,100             100%  refinance
               Southern Green Line Extension   BTSG  Clean Transport       9,500                9,500                     5,100             100%  refinance
                         Total                                            117,700               105,450                  31,800

            Allocation of the Green Bond proceeds into each project.

                                                              Allocation in Projects (THB mn)    Amount                  % of       % of       Look-back
              Green Bond   ThaiBMA    Principal Amount
             Issuance Year  Symbol       (THB mn)        Pink     Yellow   Green Line   Green Line   allocated   % Allocated  Finance   Refinance   Period for
                                                         Line      Line      North     South    (THB mn)              Proportion  Proportion   Refinance
                          BTSG215A         1,000
                          BTSG225A         1,300
                          BTSG245A         3,000
                 2019                                    6,500     6,500                          13,000     100%          -        100%        0.8 years
                          BTSG265A         2,700
                          BTSG295A         5,000
                          BTSG22NA         500
                          BTSG23NA         4,000
                          BTSG25NA         1,500
                 2020                                    4,300     4,300                          8,600      100%        44%         56%        1.8 years
                          BTSG27NA         2,000
                          BTSG30NA         600
                          BTSC24NA         2,000
                          BTSC26NB         1,500
                 2021                                                        5,100     5,100      10,200     100%          -        100%        2.5 years
                          BTSC28NA         2,500
                          BTSC31NA         4,200
                      Total               31,800        10,800     10,800    5,100     5,100      31,800

            The Green Bond issued by BTSC in November 2021 raised THB 10.2bn has been fully allocated in the category Clean Transportation. The projects are
            Northern Green Line Extension and Southern Green Line Extension in Thailand which were fully operated since December 2020. BTSC engaged Sustainalytics to quantify
            the environmental benefits of the projects refinanced with the proceeds from its green bond. Using established methodologies.
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