Page 87 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 87

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                              4.2 Sustainability at BTS Group   85
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                         The Company is committed to developing and driving business in a sustainable
               Environmental Performance                                                 way. We are aware of the environmental impact of doing business. This year,
               The Company continuously collects, measures and reports data on           we are striving to push forward our climate  strategy to be as concrete as
               environmental performance results. The accuracy of the data is verified by a   possible. The company has formulated and announced climate strategy to
               third party in accordance with the Measurement, Reporting and Verification   mitigate adverse effects that may occur in the future with the scenario that the
               (MRV) guidelines. The data collection and measurements are in accordance   Company may not be able to cope with severity of climate change.
               with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting
               Standard, which covers indicators and various environmental measurements.   Having an established long-term strategic direction to adapt, change, and
               In addition, quantitative goals are set according to the quantitative data of   develop ways in doing business can guide the Company to achieve its ultimate
               the baseline year to comply with the Company’s Environmental Management   goal to mitigate climate-related risks and create physical and transitional
               Policy as follows:                                                        opportunities that will positively impact the Company and the community it
                                                                                         serves. Going into FY 2021/22 with our “long-term climate strategy” – to remain
               •  Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)                                         carbon neutral and secure at least 10% Renewable Energy (RE) consumption
               •  Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)                                       in our operations. BTS Group successfully continued to preserve our carbon neutral
               •  Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)                                 status through the continuance of carbon credit offset programme and worked
               •  Energy Consumption                                                     to cover 10% of total electricity consumption from RE sources through the
               •  Water Consumption                                                      investment in Renewable Energy Certificate or REC, from BCPG PCL (BCPG).
               •  Waste Management
               •  Energy Efficiency data

               In the past year, the Company conducted third-party verification to validate
               accuracy of the information and data in its Environmental Management System,
               which conforms to the ISO14001: 2015 standard of Bangkok Mass Transit
               System Public Company Limited (BTSC).
                                                                                         In FY 2021/22, the Company also engaged in a number of environmental
               The Company is committed to providing Door-to-Door Solutions for travel   activities, such as continuing participating in the carbon offsetting activities
               convenience and safety for its users, with the aim of improving the living   under Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Programme T-VER, developed
               conditions of people, including supporting the Sustainable Development Goals,   by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation (TGO). Further to
               such as Goal 13 on Climate Action. It can be seen that the rail mass transit   the methodology on “Changing the mode of travel by using mass rapid
               under MOVE business has low CO2 emissions compared to other modes         transit (MRT)” under TGO’s T-VER that was jointly-initiated and developed
               of transport because the Company’s trains rely on electricity as the main
               source of energy. Therefore, we focus on maximising energy efficiency to   by the Company, TGO, and other key rail mass transit players introduced in
               reduce impact on the environment, helping alleviate the global climate crisis.   the previous year, the Company is currently in discussion with the Office of
               In addition, although GHGs emissions will increase as we expand our rail mass   Transport and Traffic Policy and planning (OTP) and other key rail mass transit
               transit network, overall, we see mass transit as one of the most efficient and   players to expand the scope of the current methodology to support the growth
               environmentally friendly modes of transport because of its nature of low   of Thailand’s mass transit network, promoting sustainable mobility for all.
               GHG emissions.
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