Page 82 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 82

80               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            and website traffic) as well as quality and timeliness of product and service     In FY 2021/22, the Company hosted several investor-centric activities, including
            offerings (taking into account product delivery times, response times as well as   4 quarterly earnings review meetings for analysts and fund managers (4 in
            results from surveys).                                                    FY 2020/21). Additionally, the Company also participated in ‘SET Opportunity
                                                                                      Day’ hosted by The Stock Exchange of Thailand twice during the year in order
            Over the past few years, the Company has remained active in its investor-facing   to increase exposure to retail investors.
            activities with existing and potential shareholders as well as the brokerage
            community. In FY 2021/22, the Company met 159 institutional buy-side      The Company website represents one of the key communications channels with
            investors, of which 58 were domestic buy-side and 101 were overseas investors.   the investment community. The website is the definitive source of information
            Of these meetings, 16 times were one-on-one meetings (29 in FY 2020/21)     on the Group and has been designed based on Best Corporate Governance
            and Top Management was in attendance at 100% of all these meetings        Practices. Its contents include live share price feeds, downloadable versions
            (100% in FY 2020/21). Additionally, the Company has been active in its marketing   of publications (including annual reports, Form 56-1, financial statements,
            efforts by attending 10 roadshows in FY 2021/22 (versus 11 in FY 2020/21).  MD&A, company presentations and IR newsletters), financial calendar and
                                                                                      webcasts of analyst meetings. The Company also provides an e-mail alert
                                                                                      service such that investors can be automatically alerted when there are any
                                                       FY 2021/22    FY 2020/21
                   Investor Relations Key Statistics
                                                         (times)       (times)        new press releases or website updates. In FY 2021/22, the number of new visitors
             Total institutional investors met              159           325         decreased by 8.6% YoY to 167,047 visitors. Apart from the Company’s website,
             Total sell side met                             38            10         we launched a Line Official account, a LinkedIn account and a Twitter account
             Company visits through one-on-one meeting       16            29         as alternative communication channels to deliver the Company’s latest news
             Total roadshows/conferences                     10            11         and information to the investment community.
             Analyst Earnings Review Meetings and SET         7             6
             Opportunity Day                                                          Given that IR’s main function deals with communication, public relations and

            The Company continues to hold quarterly earnings review conferences (each   timely disclosure of correct and complete information relating to BTS Group’s
            within 3 business days following the release of financial statements) and   business and performance, the Board of Directors sets out the Investor
            the webcasts of these are available both on the Company’s website within   Relations Code of Conduct as guidance for BTS Group’s IR function to align
            24 hours from the meeting date as well as on the SET website. For FY 2022/23,   with the ethics and the principles of good corporate governance with emphasis
            the Company not only expects to maintain its communication efforts across all   on the disclosure of information and strict compliance with the relevant laws
            areas but also evaluates opportunities to improve investor community outreach   and regulations, taking into account the interests of the shareholders
            cost-effectively. For example, the Company has plans to continue to take part   and stakeholders.
            in ‘SET Opportunity Day’ at least twice a year and continue to arrange site
            visits for the investment community.
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