Page 85 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                              4.2 Sustainability at BTS Group   83
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Impact Management for Stakeholders in Value Chain

               BTS Group Value Chain

                  Financial Capital:                 Natural Capital:
                  •  Equity at THB 86,128mn          •  Water consumption 208,800m 3                                               •  Assured company growth
                  •  Total assets THB at 255,867mn   •  Energy consumption 145,720MWh                                              •  Resilience to future economic and
                  •  THB 21,600mn of Green Bonds     •  Land areas                                                                   climate-related risks
                  •  THB 11,000mn of Sustainability-linked Bonds (SLB)  •  Biodiversity and ecosystem                              •  Ethical company practices
                                                       around company operations area                                              •  Ensured long-term employee
                  Manufactured Capital:              •  Green investment: THB 0.71mn
                  •  70km of current rail mass transit                                                                               well-being and growth in a nurturing
                    lines covering 3 provinces                                               Financial Capital:                 Value Created for BTS Group    working environment
                  •  Non-rail infrastructure (BRT, intercity motorway,                       •  Revenue of THB 31,195mn            •  Sustainability industry leader
                    U-Tapao international airport)                                           •  Net profit of THB 3,826mn            in Thailand
                  •  Smart data systems                                                      •  Shareholder returns
                   INPUT                                                                     Human and Intellectual Capital:
                                                        •  Transporting 800,000 passengers per day  •  Compliance with operational standards
                                                          (before COVID-19)                  •  Recognition in local and international
                     Complete Door-to-Door Services                                            sustainability indices
                                                        •  Wide and extensive coverage of advertising area                         Government Agencies:
                                 developing and         •  Over 14mn Rabbit Cards in use and over 14mn  •  Integrated planning and management  •  Assurance of information transparency
                                 operating multi-modal    Rabbit LINE Pay users              •  Skillful and knowledgeable workforce  •  Assurance of compliance
                                 transport network      •  Delivering more than 1.2mn parcels per day  •  Safe working environment
                                                        •  Providing strategic support and creating synergies  •  Employee career growth  Communities:
                                                          with  Rabbit Group and the Group’s partners  •  High employee engagement score: 80%  •  Improved community well-being
                                                                                                                                   •  Increased community engagement
                                             advertising,  POSITIVE OUTPUTS:                                                         and empowerment
                                             payment and                                     OUTCOMES                              Shareholders/Investors/Creditors/
                                             distribution                                                                          Business Partners:
                                             solutions     ADVERSE OUTPUTS:                                                        •  Certified operations, leading to trust
                                                                                                                                     for long-term investment and returns
                                       Offline-to-Online (O2O)  •  Greenhouse gas emissions from  Manufactured Capital:             •  Assurance of information transparency
                                       Solutions Provider and    non-renewable energy consumption                                  •  Informed of any important information
                                       Functional Data Marketplace                           •  Reliable and safe infrastructure,    or news
                                                        •  Waste by-products and waste disposal    leader in Thai mass transit
                                                                                             •  Network expansion leading to       Customers:
                                 strategic partnership                                         increased coverage               Value Created for Stakeholders  •  Ensured reliability, safety and
                                 using our MOVE and                                                                                 trustworthiness
                                 MIX network                                                 Natural Capital:                      •  More economic productivity from
                    Sharing Economy to Amplify Value                                         •  Reduction in emissions, waste, energy    reduced transit times
                   INPUT                                                  Vision:              intensity and overall company footprint  •  Assurance from relevant up-to-date
                                                                  To serve our community with unique  •  Cost savings of THB 0.22mn from    information and news
                   Human and Intellectual Capital:                and sustainable solutions that greatly    environmental investments
                   •  5,357 employees with training programmes implemented at all levels  contributes to an improved life.         Suppliers/Contractors:
                   •  Employee expenses: THB 2,572mn                                         Social and Relationship Capital:      •  Understanding of social and
                   •  Strong internal policies, frameworks and processes                     •  86% customer satisfaction            environmental responsibility
                   •  Operations information database                                        •  Proactive and collaborative engagement  •  Working in safe conditions
                   •  Infrastructural civil engineering expertise                              with suppliers and communities
                                                                         Mission:            •  Creation of equal infrastructure and  Civil Society/Media Analysts/
                   Social and Relationship Capital:                                            accessibility for commuters         Academia:
                   •  THB 65mn contribution to social and community development  We build inclusive infrastructure,                •  Recognition for the company’s
                   •  Regular engagement with stakeholders      platforms and innovate quality services for                          commitment to sustainability
                   •  CSR activities with local communities     our community using a sustainable approach.                        •  Receiving and being able to access
                   •  Close working relationship with suppliers                                                                      up-to-date company information/news
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