Page 86 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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84               l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            Business Value Chain Stakeholder Analysis                                 After its latest revision, the Environmental Management Policy currently covers
            BTS Group places great importance on keeping balance of these following   the following issues:
            topics; maintaining profitability, accessibility, engagement, respect for rights,
            including understanding the expectations of those stakeholders, as well as   •  Conducting sustainable and environmentally-friendly operations and
            operating in order to meet the expectations of stakeholders with fairness and   services;
            transparency. The Company has defined, identified and analysed stakeholders   •  Compliance environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements
            into 7 categories, covering both individual and other forms of establishments.   relevant to our operations and services;
            BTS Group provides various channels to enable stakeholders to participate   •  Conducting business activities in a manner that minimising direct and
            in verifying information on each topic and to enhance understanding          indirect impacts to the environment through business lifecycle;
            among all parties. BTS Group can then apply the recommendations for       •  Commitment to efficient use of resources, reducing waste, pollution, water
            further implementation. In addition, the company has adopted the AA 1000     discharge, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions both directly and indirectly;
            Stakeholders Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) to create stakeholder        •  Environmental considerations have been applied to the selection of external
            participation through relevant agencies. A process is also designed to identify   suppliers of goods and services, including consideration for selecting
            needs and concerns through different forms of activities.                    business partners including distribution and logistics;
                                                                                      •  Environmental considerations in due-diligence, mergers and acquisition
            More details on stakeholder engagement can be found in the Company’s         processes;
            Sustainability Report FY 2021/22, section 2.4: Stakeholder Engagement.    •  Set objectives and targets that enhance environmental performances and
                                                                                         reduce environmental impacts throughout the value chain;
                                                                                      •  Environmental performance expectations are set for the entire organisation,
            Sustainable Management in Environmental Dimension
                                                                                         as well as ensuring that operations results are continually improving;
            Environmental Policies and Practices                                      •  Promoting environmental awareness amongst our employees, internal
            In FY 2021/22, the Company has made progress in revising its Environmental   and external stakeholders, through training, knowledge sharing, and the
            Management Policy, which applies for all of the Company’s subsidiaries       development of environmental innovation practice projects;
            and associated companies. The policy, introduced in FY 2020/21, laid out   •  Establish roles and responsibilities of relevant teams to ensure that the
            guidelines for the Company’s business operations to take into account of     Environmental Management Policy are implemented, monitored and
            various environmental practices, responding to the goals and strategies of the   reported consistently to Board of Directors who has oversight of the
            organisation towards Sustainable Development. It served as a framework to    overall implementation of the policy and decision making to ensure overall
            define guidelines for the development of new infrastructure projects to promote   improvement of environmental performances.
            and improve people’s quality of life, in accordance with the Company’s vision
            and mission. The policy covers the performance of employees, partners and   More details on the Environmental Management Policy can be found in
            contractors, relevant stakeholders.                             
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