Page 136 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 136

134               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

               5.1      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE POLICY

            The Company places importance on corporate governance and believes that   Corporate Governance Policy
            good corporate governance will support the sustainable growth of the Group.   The corporate governance policy of the Company is in line with the principles of
            The Company has prepared the Corporate Governance Policy and Code         good corporate governance of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Securities
            of Business Conduct in writing to be used as guidelines for the directors,   and Exchange Commission and the recommendations of the Thai Institute of
            executives, and employees in all levels. In order to improve the Company’s   Directors (IOD). It is divided into five categories as follows:
            corporate governance standard to meet the recognised international standards,
            as well as being suitable for the Group’s business circumstances and      (1)  Rights of Shareholders
            operations, the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct   (2)   Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
            and other policies relevant to the corporate governance matters shall be   (3)   Roles of Stakeholders
            reviewed and revised on an annual basis.                                  (4)   Disclosure and Transparency
                                                                                      (5)   Board Responsibilities.
            The Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct applies to
            the Company and all subsidiaries of the Company. Furthermore, the Company   Rights of Shareholders
            also encourages its associated companies, joint ventures, business partners
            or suppliers to comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and adhere   The Company places emphasis on the rights of shareholders as the owners
            to the principles of good corporate governance and business ethics that are   of the Company. All shareholders, whether retailed investors or institutional
            equivalent to the international standards or the Company’s practices.     investors, are encouraged to exercise their fundamental rights, e.g., trading
                                                                                      or transferring of shares, sharing of profits, receiving adequate information,
            The Company has announced and communicated the Corporate Governance       whether via the Company’s website, the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s
            Policy and Code of Business Conduct to the directors, executives and      website or through other channels, attending shareholders’ meetings to
            employees of the Group to acknowledge and adhere to, as well as publishing   acknowledge the Company’s annual performance, and casting votes at the
            the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct on the       shareholders’ meetings to approve significant matters as specified by laws,
            Company’s on the Company’s website.                                       such as the appointment or removal of directors, the determination of directors’
                                                                                      remuneration, the appointment of auditor and the determination of audit fee,
                                                                                      the dividend payment or suspension of dividend payment, and the capital
                                                                                      increase and the issuance of new securities, including making enquiries or
                                                                                      comments on matters that the Board of Directors presents to or requests for
                                                                                      approval at the shareholders’ meetings.
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