Page 141 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 141

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                              5.1 Corporate Governance Policy  139
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                         Group, apart from being subject to penalties in accordance with the relevant
                                 Reporting and whistleblowing channels                   laws, such personnel may be deemed to have breached the work rules of the
                                                                                         Company and shall be subject to disciplinary actions. There are five levels of
                Board of Directors  Company Secretary Office                             disciplinary actions depending on the nature of the breach, the seriousness of
                                    Telephone:  +66 (0) 2273 8611-5 ext. 1525, 1531
                                    Facsimile:   +66 (0) 2273 8610                       the wrongdoing, or the severity of the consequences of such action as follows:
                                    Post:      Company Secretary Office at the           (1)  Verbal warning
                                               Company’s address                         (2)  Written warning
                                                                                         (3)  Work suspension
                Audit Committee     Internal Audit Office                                (4)  Dismissal with severance pay, and/or
                                    Telephone:  +66 (0) 2273 8611-5 ext. 1553
                                    Facsimile:   +66 (0) 2273 8616                       (5)  Dismissal without severance pay.
                                    Post:      Internal Audit Office at the Company’s    Disciplinary actions may also be imposed upon the Company’s personnel for
                                               address                                   their request of others to commit a breach, failure to promptly report a breach,
                                                                                         failure to cooperate with the investigations of possible breaches, reporting
                Nuduan Chuan Chee  Nuduan Chuan Chee Chong Hotline
                Chong Campaign      Telephone:  1 800 292 777 or +66 (0) 2677 2800       false information or retaliation against the reporter who reports in good faith.
                (operated by        Email:
                unaffiliated service   Post:    P.O. Box 2712 Bangrak Post Office        More information on the Code of Business Conduct of the Company can be
                provider)                       Bangkok 10500                            found in the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct of
                                                                                         the Company at
               Furthermore, if there is any doubt or require any advice on a specific case, the
               Company’s personnel may consult their supervisors, or the Human Resources   Significant Changes and Development to Corporate Governance
               Department.                                                               Policies and Guidelines

                                                                                         Corporate Governance Development
               All reports will be handled confidentially. The reporters may choose to remain
               anonymous. In order to protect the rights of the reporters, the Company will   The Company recognises and places importance on the development of the
               not disclose the names or any information that can identify the reporters, and   Company’s business operations in consistent with good corporate governance
               will keep such information and all documents and evidence confidential. Only   principles, by committing to the 2017 Corporate Governance Code for Listed
               those who are responsible for conducting investigations on the reports may   Companies of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Principles of Good
               have access to such information.                                          Corporate Governance for Listed Companies 2012 of the Stock Exchange of
                                                                                         Thailand, the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies by the

               In the event that the Company’s personnel breach the policies and guidelines   Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) and the AGM Checklist of the Thai Investors
               under the Code of Business Conduct, including any rules and regulations of   Association.
               the Company, which causes damages to or has a negative impact on the
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