Page 137 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 137

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                              5.1 Corporate Governance Policy  135
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Equitable Treatment of Shareholders                                       The Company sets out policies for the treatment of each stakeholder in

               The Company shall treat each and every shareholder equally, whether they   writing, as well as communicating such policies to all directors, executives
               are minority shareholders, major shareholders or institutional investors. This   and employees of the Group to acknowledge and adhere to in performing
               includes providing the shareholders an opportunity to propose meeting agenda   their duties in order to ensure that all stakeholders will receive equitable and
               and/or nominating director candidates in advance, appointment of proxies to   appropriate treatments to their needs and have sufficient communication and
               protect the rights of shareholders who cannot attend the shareholders’ meeting   complaint channels. Information on communication and complaint channels
               in person, and access to information which is disclosed to the shareholders   can be found in Section Code of Business Conduct in this report.
               and the public equally through various forms or channels.
                                                                                         Moreover, BTS Group is committed to a firm stand against corruption and

               The Company has a policy on the protection of inside information by prohibiting   does not tolerate any forms of corruption, whether direct or indirect. BTS
               the directors, executives and employees of the Group, as well as other relevant   Group does not allow reprisals of any kind against the Company’s personnel
               persons who are in charge of or have access to inside information, from using   who refuse to condone corruption even if such refusal will cause the Group
                                                                                         to lose its business opportunity.
               inside information for the benefit of trading the securities of the Company,
               subsidiaries, and associated companies, and also forbid the disclosure of   More information on the Policy and Guideline on Anti-Corruption can be
               inside information to outsiders or non-relevant persons before disclosing the   found in Section Anti-Corruption in this report, and Anti-Corruption Measures
               same through the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
                                                                                         (consolidated version) at
               In addition, the Company has guidelines for the prevention of conflict of interest,
               and policies and guidelines on related party transactions and potential conflicts   Disclosure and Transparency
               of interest transactions as stipulated in the Corporate Governance Policy and
               Code of Business Conduct.                                                 The Company places importance on the disclosure of information, both financial
                                                                                         and non-financial information, that is complete, adequate, reliable, and in a
               More information on the policies and guidelines can be found in Section   timely manner to ensure that the shareholders, investors and stakeholders of the
               Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in this report, and the Corporate Governance   Company receive the information equally. Such information must be prepared
               Policy and Code of Business Conduct of the Company at https://www.btsgroup.  in accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations, with
       accuracy and conveyed in simple and concise language.
                                                                                         The Investor Relations Department has been assigned with a main function on
               Role of Stakeholders
                                                                                         communication, public relations, as well as disclosure of information relating
               The Company pays close attention to the importance of the role and rights of   to BTS Group’s businesses and performance. The Board of Directors therefore
               all groups of stakeholders, and believes that maintaining good relationships   sets out the Investor Relations Code of Conduct as guidance for BTS Group’s
               with all groups of stakeholders is significant for the long-term development   investor relations function to align with the ethics and the principles of good
               and sustainable growth of the Group.                                      corporate governance with emphasis on the disclosure of information and
                                                                                         strict compliance with the relevant laws and regulations, taking into account
                                                                                         the interests of the shareholders and stakeholders.
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