Page 142 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 142

140                l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            In 2021/22, the Company has engaged in important activities relating to      cultivating, and raising awareness and a correct understanding of good
            corporate governance as follows:                                             corporate governance and business ethics to executives and employees
                                                                                         at all levels of the Company and its subsidiaries with a comprehension
            •  The Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the amendment of         test and adopt them in their work to forge a corporate culture that raises
               the Company’s organisation chart in order to (i) ensure and clearly reflect   operational standards and creates sustainable values for the organisation
               compliance with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission   in the long run.
               and the Stock Exchange of Thailand which specifies that the chairman and
               the chief executive officer, or any person in an equivalent position, of a   •  The Company received the second recertification from Thai Private Sector
               listed company, must not be the same person and definition of executives,   Collective Action Against Corruption on 30 June 2021 and the certificate
               and (ii) support the appointment of data protection officer.              will be valid for three years. This is the third certification after the Company
                                                                                         has been awarded the certification of membership of Thai Private Sector
            •  The Board of Directors has reviewed and made amendments to the            Collective Action Against Corruption since 2016, which showed the Group’s
               Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct, the Board       strong intention to operate its business with honesty, integrity, transparency,
               of Directors’ Charter, and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s    and fairness, and refusing all forms of corruption.
               Charter of the Company to be consistent with the context of business
               operations of the Company and the aforementioned organisation chart. The   •  Realising the importance of protecting the privacy of personal data and
               Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct, the Board       complying with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (PDPA),
               of Directors’ Charter, and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s    the Board of Directors has considered and approved the policies related
               Charter (amendment versions) are effective from 13 June 2022 onwards.     to the protection of personal information of the Company for various
               In addition, the Audit Committee, the Sustainability Committee and the    stakeholder groups and the binding corporate rules for the transfer of
               Executive Committee have reviewed their respective charters and concluded   personal data within companies under the Group. The Company has also
               that the charters were appropriate and consistent with relevant practices   appointed a data protection officer and organised training to educate
               and rules at the time, and thus no amendment was required.                directors and employees on matters related to PDPA to prepare them for
                                                                                         law enforcement and to prevent and reduce the impact of risks that may
            •  The Company has reviewed and arranged a new e-learning programme          arise, including ensuring that different groups of stakeholders are treated
               and an online test on the Code of Business Conduct to be consistent       concerning personal data rights in accordance with the law.
               with the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct
               (amendment version), covering important topics, such as respect of human
               rights, non-discrimination and data privacy by focusing on communication,
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