Page 148 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 148

146                l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            •  To determine the remuneration structure and welfare for the employees in all   •  To report the responsibilities of the Board of Directors in the preparation
               levels, and to ensure that an appropriate remuneration mechanism is in place   of the financial statements, as well as disclosing any material information
                                                                                         in correspond with the relevant regulations, standard, and guidelines
            •  To supervise the Management to ensure that the accounting system,
               financial reports and accounting audit system are accountable, as well   •  To delegate one or more directors or other persons to perform any task
               as ensuring that the Company has a good internal control system that is   on behalf of the Board of Directors
               sufficient and appropriate
                                                                                      •  To evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors on an annual basis, as
            •  To consider and approve the acquisition and disposal of assets, and       well as reviewing their duties and responsibilities in the Board of Directors’
               connected transactions                                                    Charter on an annual basis

            •  To monitor and prevent conflicts of interest among the stakeholders of the   •  To appoint subcommittees to assist and monitor the management system
               Company, and to consider all the Company’s affairs by taking into account   and the internal control system, and to assign the annual performance
               the benefits of the shareholders and all groups of stakeholders equitably  evaluation and review the duties and responsibilities in the charter of all
            •  To govern the business operations with business ethics and conducts, and
               to regularly review the corporate governance policy and code of business   •  To delegate the authorities, duties, and responsibilities to the Management
               conduct on an annual basis                                                in order to clearly separate the roles, duties and responsibilities between
                                                                                         the Board of Directors and the Management, and to regularly monitor and
            •  To  establish,  review  and  evaluate  the  appropriateness  of  the  risk   evaluate the performance of the Management
               management policy and framework, and to ensure the implementation of
               the risk management policy                                             •  To determine and review the business organisation chart and to appoint
                                                                                         an Advisory Board to provide strategic and useful advice to the business
            •  To establish a sustainability policy, covering responsibilities on Environmental,   affairs of the Company and subsidiaries
               Social and Governance (ESG) dimensions and to monitor the implementation
               of such policy                                                         •  To prepare and review the succession plan

            •  To consider and approve the Company’s climate strategy to address climate-  •  To appoint the Company Secretary to ensure that the Board of Directors
               related risks and opportunities, oversee the implementation, and incorporate   and the Company comply with the laws and relevant regulations
               this strategy into the Company’s relevant decision-making processes, and
               management performance evaluation and incentives
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