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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                           5.2 Corporate Governance Structure  149
               Annual Report 2021/22

               •  To consider the performance evaluation criteria of the Chief Executive Officer   Sustainability Committee
                  and propose the structure, amount and form of remuneration of the Chief   The Board of Directors has appointed the Sustainability Committee on 16
                  Executive Officer, as well as determining and governing the performance   November 2020 by broadening the scope of the Corporate Governance
                  evaluation, remuneration mechanism and welfare for all employees       Committee to encapsulate sustainability principles and sustainability goals
                                                                                         of the organisation in addition to good corporate governance and corporate
               •  To prepare the director development plan in order to develop the knowledge   social responsibility activities.
                  of the directors, including to determine the new director orientation guidelines

                                                                                         The Sustainability Committee shall consist of members who are either directors,
               •  To consider the appropriateness and conditions in offering new shares,   senior management or external advisors with specialist knowledge and shall
                  warrants or other securities to the directors and employees            be at least 4 members but shall not exceed 7 members.

               •  To report their performance to the Board of Directors and/or at the    As of 31 May 2022, the Sustainability Committee consisted of 5 members.
                  shareholders’ meeting

               •  To conduct an evaluation of the performance of the Nomination and                 Name                              Position
                  Remuneration Committee on an annual basis
                                                                                         1. Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas         Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

               •  To appoint the working group to assist the Nomination and Remuneration   2. Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama          Sustainability Committee Member
                  Committee in performing their duties as well as to appoint the independent   3. Professor Charoen Wattanasin  Sustainability Committee Member
                  expert consultants for providing advice and suggestions                4. Mr. Rangsin Kritalug             Sustainability Committee Member
                                                                                         5. Mr. Daniel Ross                  Sustainability Committee Member
               •  To perform any other acts as assigned by the Board of Directors or as
                  stipulated by the laws
                                                                                         Duties and Responsibilities of the Sustainability Committee

               More information on the structure, qualifications, term of office, and duties and   •  To establish, review and update the Sustainability Vision, Mission and
               responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee can be found   Strategy of the Company
               in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s Charter at https://www.
        •  To develop and increase both internal and external stakeholder awareness
                                                                                            of sustainable practices and to review the Company’s Sustainability Report
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