Page 154 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 154

152               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            •  To govern, review and monitor the Company’s performance result in      •  To consider and approve the intercompany loans among the Company and
               compliance with the policy, mission, vision, values, strategy and goals, as   the subsidiaries
               well as the approved business plan and financial budget
                                                                                      •  To determine and propose the Company’s climate strategy to address
            •  To consider and approve the Company’s and subsidiaries’ projects          climate-related risks and opportunities to the Sustainability Committee for
                                                                                         the Board of Directors approval, conduct periodic reviews and revisions of
            •  To report their performance to the Board of Directors and/or at the       the strategy, monitor the implementation and incorporate this strategy into
               shareholders’ meeting
                                                                                         the relevant Company’s processes and employee responsibilities
            •  To conduct an evaluation of the performance of the Executive Committee
               on an annual basis                                                     •  To issue internal order, policy, announcement and memo of the Company
                                                                                         in order to ensure that the operations of the Company are in compliance
            •  To appoint working groups to assist in performing its duties, as well as to   with the policy of the Company
               appoint independent expert consultants for providing advice and suggestions
                                                                                      •  To perform other tasks as assigned by the Board of Directors and/or the
            •  To perform any other acts as assigned by the Board of Directors or as     Executive Committee
               stipulated by the laws
                                                                                      •  To delegate one or more persons to perform any task on his behalf
            Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
            •  To be in charge of the day-to-day business operations of the Company   •  If the Chief Executive Officer is not in the office or unavailable to perform
                                                                                         his duties, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer shall act and perform the

            •  To employ, appoint, transfer, dismiss, and terminate employees in all levels,   duties on his behalf in full respects
               except the position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Officer, and
               the Head of Internal Audit                                             More information on the structure, qualifications, term of office, and duties and
                                                                                      responsibilities of the Executive Committee, and the duties and responsibilities
            •  To determine the salary and remuneration, adjust the salary, bonus, reward   of the Chief Executive Officer can be found in the Executive Committee’s
               and welfare of all employees of the Company                            Charter at

            •  To authorise the execution or termination of any contracts between the
               Company or a subsidiary and any other third party
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