Page 157 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                           5.2 Corporate Governance Structure  155
               Annual Report 2021/22

                                                                                         Financial Remuneration
                        Position                  Key performance indicators
                Chief Executive Officer  •  Duties, Responsibilities and Results of the Annual   Financial remuneration of the executives comprises salary, bonus, provident
                                           Performance Assessment                        fund contributions and other welfare.
                                         •  Financial Performance, e.g. revenue, EBITDA margin,
                                           net profit, return on equity, return on assets  A number of executive directors received only directors’ remuneration.
                                         •  Relative Financial Metrics, e.g. total shareholder
                                           return, issuer credit ratings by credit rating agencies   Executives of the Company who also hold executive positions in the subsidiaries
                                           approved by the SEC Office                    did not receive executives’ remuneration at the Company.
                                         •  Corporate Reputation from stakeholder perspectives,
                                           e.g. customer satisfaction, employee engagement,             Executives’ remuneration paid by the Company
                                           and achievement awards
                                         •   Social and Environmental Responsibilities                                 Persons         Remuneration (THB mn)
                                                                                          2021/22                         9                    103.62
               In order to strengthen the alignment between the Chief Executive Officer and
               senior executives’ compensation and long-term interest of shareholders, the            Executives’ remuneration paid by core subsidiaries
               Company may give short-term incentives to the Chief Executive Officer and                               Persons         Remuneration (THB mn)
               senior executives in the form of deferred bonus (short-term incentive plan),
               where the bonus will be paid 50% in the form of cash and 50% as existing   2021/22                         5                    64.13
               ordinary shares of the Company. Such shares will be subject to selling
               restriction for a specified period of time. Additionally, the Company is in the
               process of establishing a long-term incentive plan for the Chief Executive   Non-financial Remuneration
               Officer and senior executives in order to motivate them to focus their efforts   As of 31 March 2022, the outstanding units of BTS-WD and BTS-WE Warrants
               to the sustainable success of the Group and shareholders. The preliminary   held by the executives of the Company were 0.2mn units and 0.7mn units,
               terms and conditions of the plan cover (1) a performance period of 3 years,   respectively. BTS-WC Warrants had expired on 31 May 2021.
               (2) a vesting period of 2 years, and (3) a clawback policy, which will trigger
               when the performance does not reach the specified threshold, resulting in a
               deduction of eligible vested value of the rewards. Performance indicators used   In 2021/22, the Company issued 666,666 ordinary shares, at the par value of
               to determine the size of rewards include, but not limited to, return on equity,   Baht 4 per share, to the non-director executives of the Company pursuant to
               return on assets, credit ratings, as well as total shareholder return comparing   the exercise of BTS-WD Warrants.
               with the benchmarking companies.
                                                                                         Remark :
               As for the high-level executives, the Chief Executive Officer shall consider   The Board of Directors has approved and made amendment to the organisation chart. As a result,
               and determine the executives’ remuneration based on company and individual   there are eight executives, pursuant to the definition stated in the Notification of the Securities and
               performance indicators. The Company will provide short-term incentives through   Exchange Commission Re: Determination of Definitions in the Notifications relating to Issuance and
               the promotion of salary and annual bonus in line with the economy and the   Offering of Securities, as detailed shown in Section Executives in this report.
               Company’s operating results and provide long-term incentives by allocating
               warrants as a motivation for the executives to contribute to the achievement
               and growth of the Company.
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