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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                           5.2 Corporate Governance Structure  157
               Annual Report 2021/22

               to provide convenience to the employees when there is a need for medical   Other Key Information
               treatment, the issuance and offering of the warrants to purchase ordinary shares   Person Assigned to be Directly in Charge of Accounting Supervision
               of the Company to the Employees of the Group under BTS Group Employees
               Stock Option (ESOP) schemes where the Employees in order to boost the     Mrs. Duangkamol Chaichanakajorn, Accounting Director, has been assigned to
               morale of the Employees and to motivate the Employees to work together for   be directly in charge of accounting supervision of the Company. Information
               the Group’s future growth, the provision of measures and a budget to help   and profiles of the person assigned directly to be in charge of accounting
               the Employees who have encountered a disaster or an emergency, and the    supervision can be found in Section 7.4 Profiles of Directors and Executives
               provision of “Nuduan Chuan Kayan” (Let’s Work Hard with Nuduan) project   in this report.
               to encourage the Employees to maximise their full capacity at work, and to
               provide rewards to the Employees who are disciplined, committed, dedicated,   Company Secretary
               creative, loyal, and devoted to the organisation, community, and society.   Ms. Taraket Thawornpanich holds the Company Secretary position since 1 October
                                                                                         2015 until present. Information and profiles of the Company Secretary can be
               In addition, since all employees are valuable resources of the Group who will   found in Section 7.4 Profiles of Directors and Executives in this report.
               propel the Group to achieve its goal and business plan, the Group therefore
               places an importance on personnel skill development and retention of qualified   The Company Secretary is responsible for monitoring the Company to comply
               Employees. The personnel management guidelines cover the process starting   with the relevant and applicable laws and regulations so as to conform to
               from recruitment, career development, personal skill development by arranging   the principles of good corporate governance of listed companies as follows:
               both internal and external training sessions, clear and fair evaluation, equal
               treatment of employees, creating good quality of life at work, creating a good   •  To organise the Board of Directors’ meetings and shareholders’ meetings
               management system and teamwork, creating good working environment,           in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, including ensuring
               fostering good relationships between the executives and the employees, and   that such resolutions are fully complied with;
               instilling conscience in the employees to be good members of the organisation
               and society instilling.                                                   •  To prepare and keep a register of directors, invitations to the Board of
                                                                                            Directors’ meetings, minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings, invitations
               More information on employee welfare, human resource development, and        to the shareholders’ meetings and minutes of the shareholders’ meetings;
               workplace health and safety can be found in BTS Group Sustainability Report
               2021/22 at  •  To ensure that information is disclosed in accordance with the regulations
                                                                                            of the SET, the SEC Office and other relevant authorities, as well as the

               Labour Disputes                                                              principles of good corporate governance;
               The Company had no labour disputes that might significantly affect its business
               operations during the past three years.                                   •  To keep the reports on conflicts of interest as reported by the directors
                                                                                            or the executives and submit a copy of the report to the Chairman of the
                                                                                            Board of Directors and the Chairman of the Audit Committee;
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