Page 158 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 158

156               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l


            Number of Employees and Employee Remuneration
            As of 31 March 2022, the Company and its subsidiaries had a total of 5,765 full time employees, of which 2,831 were male and 2,934 were female. The Group
            paid a total of THB 2,712.74mn in remuneration to its employees, which was in line with each company’s performance in both short term and long term. Such
            remuneration comprised of salary, bonus, and provident fund contributions.

            Number of Employees and Employee Compensation in Each Business

                                   Employees as of      Remuneration        Employees as of      Remuneration        Employees as of      Remuneration
                                   31 March 2022         in 2021/22         31 March 2021         in 2020/21         31 March 2020         in 2019/20
                                      (Persons)           (THB mn)             (Persons)           (THB mn)            (Persons)            (THB mn)
             The Company                238                 383.24               188                 196.58               162                323.01
             MOVE Business              3,779              1,594.79              3,643              1,534.68             3,172               1,515.07
             (5 companies)
             MIX Business               1,641               659.28               707                 446.18               272                278.21
             (16 companies)
             MATCH Business             107                 75.43                113                 82.01                681                507.58
             (20 companies)
             Total                      5,765              2,712.74              4,651              2,259.45              4,287              2,623.87

            In addition, the Company also gave non-financial remuneration to its employees   In addition, on 11 April 2022, the Company issued 3,044,610 ordinary shares,
            in the form of warrants to purchase the Company’s ordinary shares. The criteria   at the par value of THB 4 per share, to the employees of the Company and
            for the allocation of the warrants were based on the employees’ performance   its subsidiaries pursuant to the exercise of BTS-WD Warrants.
            and years of employment at the Company or its subsidiaries. This shows that
            the Group gave both financial and non-financial remuneration to employees   Employee Welfare and Human Resource Development
            in line with each company's short-term and long-term performance.         BTS Group provides welfare and various benefits to its employees, for

                                                                                      example, the establishment of a provident fund as a form of security for the
            As of 31 March 2022, the outstanding units of BTS-WD and BTS-WE Warrants   employees and their family, the setting up of the BTS Group Savings and
            held by the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries were 7.2mn units   Credit Cooperative as an alternative for the employees to make their savings
            and 18mn units respectively. BTS-WC Warrants had expired on 31 May 2021.  and investment and get credit support, the provision of housing loan welfare

                                                                                      to support the employees to have security by owning their own residence,
            In 2021/22, the Company issued 8,733,610 ordinary shares, at the par value   the support of other occasional monetary subsidies, the arrangement of life
            of THB 4 per share, to the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries   insurance, group health insurance and group personal accident insurance
            pursuant to the exercise of BTS-WD Warrants.
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