Page 161 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Performance Report  159
               Annual Report 2021/22


               Highlights of the Board of Directors Performance                          the Group’s sustainable development and business growth in the long run.
               BTS Group is committed to operate its businesses under the Principles of   For more information on BTS Group vision, mission and strategy, see Section
               the 2017 Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies of the Securities   1.1 Our Ambition and Strategy, Section 1.2 3M at Glance, and Section 2.1
               and Exchange Commission, the Principles of Good Corporate Governance      BTS Group Overview in this report.
               for Listed Companies 2012 of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Corporate
               Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies by the Thai Institute of Directors   In addition, our compliance with the principles of good corporate governance
               (IOD) and the AGM Checklist of the Thai Investors Association.            covers matters such as shareholders meeting, disclosure of information,
                                                                                         recruitment, development and assessment of the directors performance,
               The Board of Directors defines the Company’s policy, vision, mission, values,   meeting attendance, and remuneration, supervision of subsidiaries and
               strategy and goals, as well as supervises the Company’s business operations in   associated companies, monitoring of compliance with the corporate governance
               compliance with the laws, the Company’s objectives and articles of association,   policies and code of business conduct, as well as prevention of conflicts of
               with mindful consideration of the good corporate governance, code of ethics   interest and use of inside information, and anti-corruption. The highlights of
               and business conduct. The Board of Directors also assesses the management   our performance are as follows.
               performance on a regular basis in order to ensure good operating results,
               credibility among its shareholders, investors and all stakeholders, and long-  Rights of Shareholders
               term sustainable value creation of the Company.                           The Board of Directors recognises and places importance on the rights of
                                                                                         shareholders. Shareholders are encouraged to exercise their rights under the
               The Board of Directors is determined to lead the Company to be recognised   law and take part in key business decision making and are entitled to receive
               at the international level as one of the leading organisations with businesses   complete and adequate information.
               across various industries, resilient management and competent personnel.
                                                                                         Shareholders’ meetings: The Company held an annual general meeting of
               In 2021/22, the Board of Directors considered that the ‘3M Strategy’, which   shareholders within 120 days from the end of the Company’s fiscal year.
               is based on the Group’s new business model of MOVE MIX MATCH that         The Company has set up a Company Secretary Office to ensure that the
               leverages off its MOVE and MIX networks and provides a MATCH solution to   shareholders’ meetings are held as required by law and in accordance with
               its business partners with access to the Group’s customers and customised   the principles of good corporate governance. In the shareholders’ meetings,
               audience under the ‘sharing economy’ concept, and a vision to serve our   the Company arranged for a legal advisor(s) to attend the meeting to provide
               community with unique and sustainable solutions that greatly contribute   legal advice and witness the vote count throughout the meeting, and gave the
               to an improved way of life are still suitable for our business. The Board of   minority shareholders an opportunity to nominate a representative to witness
               Directors also believes that such business strategy will enhance and support   the vote count. In the agenda where financial statements were considered
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