Page 165 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  163
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Policy and Guideline on Treatment of Stakeholders                         In addition, BTS Group provides trainings for its customer service personnel to

               Shareholders: Shareholders, as the owners of the Company, are entitled to fair   enhance their skills and knowledge continuously. All of these are to maximise
               and equal treatment in accordance with the shareholder rights as prescribed   customers’ satisfaction and maintain the standard of services of the Group.
               under the laws and the articles of association, including the right to attend and
               vote at the shareholders’ meeting, the right to freely express opinion and the right   Employees: BTS Group believes that employees are the key factor and valuable
               to receive fair returns. The Company strives to deliver accretion of shareholder   resource in its business operations. The Group respects the internationally
               value through earnings growth and improvement of operational effectiveness.   proclaimed human rights principles and relevant laws and regulations, and
               Specifically, the Company aims to deliver long-term shareholder returns that   treat all levels of employees equally and without discrimination. The Group also
               outperform returns from investment alternatives with a similar risk profile.   places importance on the wellness and occupational health, personal safety and
                                                                                         property, and the working environment of its employees, as well as promoting
               In addition, the Company conducts shareholders surveys to inquire the     good corporate culture and team work. All employees are equally provided
               shareholders’ opinion and promote engagement between the shareholders     with an opportunity for career growth. Valuing the potential of employees, BTS
               and the Company in order to further improve the Company’s operation.      Group focuses on personnel development, offering continuous programmes
                                                                                         of internal and external trainings to its employees. BTS Group also organises
               Customers: BTS Group is committed to delivering customers’ satisfaction   group activities, either among the employees or between the employees
               and confidence. The Group focuses on quality and safety of the products   and the executives, in order to develop and build a good relationship in the
               and services, accountability towards customers and safeguarding of customer   organisation. In this regard, the Group conducts employee engagement surveys
               information.  By  conducting customers’ satisfaction  surveys, the Group   to assess the employees’ opinions and engagement with the organisation,
               uses them as guidance to develop and improve the products and services.     as well as acknowledging and understanding the employees’ expectation
               The Group’s success is dependent on its ability to develop and maintain     towards the Group. All the information received will be used to improve the
               a long-lasting customer relationships.                                    efficiency in the organisation and human resource management both in the
                                                                                         short-term and long-term.
               BTS Group places high priority on customer safety. In operating the mass transit
               business, BTSC has received various standard management certifications, e.g.   Business partners: BTS Group values its business partners as key supporters
               ISO 9001 for Quality Management System, OHSAS 18001:2007 for Occupational   of its operation. The Group, therefore, treats all business partners on the basis
               Health and Safety Management System, and the Safety Management System     of equality and fair competition. Besides, BTS Group places an emphasis on
               (SMS) following the Best Practice Model (BPM) of Ricardo Rail.            transparency and straightforwardness in doing business, selecting business
                                                                                         partners equitably, and negotiating and concluding contracts with its business

               BTS Group put in place various channels for customers to provide comments   partners to allow both parties to receive fair consideration. BTS Group will treat
               and suggestions, e.g. hotline centre and online social media, i.e. Facebook,   its business partners in accordance with the contracts, as well as the Group’s
               LINE and Twitter, as well as launching a mobile application (BTS SkyTrain   business ethics. In addition, BTS Group sets out the Supplier Code of Business
               app) to provide real-time information of passenger density and status of BTS   Conduct to define the basic commitments required from BTS Group’s suppliers
               SkyTrain services. BTS Group also conducts customer satisfaction surveys   concerning their social and environmental responsibilities in the pursuit of securing
               and uses the same as guidelines for improvement of services and operations.     sustainable business conduct throughout the Group’s supply chain.
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