Page 167 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                     5.3 Corporate Governance Perfomance Report  165
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Policy and Guideline on Intellectual Property                             performance and other price sensitive information having impact on investment

               BTS Group places importance on intellectual property and respects the intellectual   decision or rights and benefits of shareholders pursuant to the regulations of
               property of others. Directors, executives and employees are required to keep   the Stock Exchange of Thailand and other relevant laws and regulations, as
               confidential trade secrets and know-how used in the Company’s business    well as resolutions and minutes of shareholders’ meeting, Annual Registration
               operations, as well as protecting and safeguarding the Company’s intellectual   Statement / Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report), sustainability report under
               property from unauthorised access, sharing or illegal use. Furthermore, they shall   the Global Reporting Initiative Framework (GRI), and information on organisation
               respect and shall not infringe the intellectual property of others.       structure, and business and shareholding structure of BTS Group, directors
                                                                                         and officers information, directors and officers performance and remuneration,
               Policy and Guideline on Information Security                              policy and factors in relation to risk management, corporate governance policy
                                                                                         and code of business conduct, and activities on social and environmental
               BTS Group recognises the importance of, and takes utmost responsibilities   responsibilities and anti-corruption.
               on, effective of information technology management and data privacy.
                                                                                         The Company also hosted several investor-centric activities, such as roadshows/
               BTS Group has established measures on information security in order to prevent   conferences, quarterly earnings review meetings for analysts and participated
               such important or confidential information from leakage and avoid unduly use   in the ‘SET Opportunity Day’ organised by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
               or disclosure of such information by external parties or unauthorised persons.
               Currently, the Group has been certified ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security   More information on Investor Relations Department’s activities can be found
               Management System) from the British Standards Institute (BSI).            in Section 4.1 Capital Market Review and IR Activities in this report.

               Disclosure and Transparency
                                                                                         Board Responsibilities
               The Company places importance on the disclosure of information. The Board of   The Board of Directors comprises qualified individuals who have knowledge,
               Directors oversees that the Company’s disclosure of information, both financial   experience and expertise in various areas, which are beneficial to the Group’s
               and non-financial information, is made in an adequate, complete, and timely   business operations and in line with its business strategy. The Board of
               manner, as well as being regularly and promptly updated on the Company’s   Directors perform their functions and hold their opinions independently. The
               website in order to ensure that all shareholders, investors and stakeholders   Board of Directors has the duties and responsibilities to oversee the business
               of the Company receive the information and make their investment decision   operations of the Company to be in compliance with the laws, the Company’s
               on an equal and informed basis.                                           objectives and articles of association, and the resolutions of the shareholders’
                                                                                         meetings. The Board of Directors determines the Company’s strategy and
               The Company has established an Investor Relations Department as its point   business plans, both short-term and long-term, as well as establishes
               of contact for communications with shareholders, investors, securities analysts   appropriate and effective internal controls and risk management measures, and
               and relevant government agencies, as well as arranging the disclosure of   good governance in order to ensure transparency and accountability, under
               information and investor-centric activities.                              a clear definition on the separation of duties and responsibilities between the
                                                                                         Board of Directors and the Management.
               In the previous year, the Company made disclosure of material information,
               such as information on the Company’s financial position and business
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