Page 164 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 164

162               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

                                                                                      Although the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held via
                            2021 Annual general meeting of shareholders
                                                                                      electronic means, the Company still adhered to the good corporate governance
             Period to propose agenda items and/or   28 December 2020 - 31 March 2021
             nominate candidates to be elected as   No shareholders proposed any agenda or   principles to maintain shareholders' rights and equal treatment of shareholders.
             directors                                  nominated candidate.          The Company established meeting procedures under the law, with due regard
                                                                                      for equal rights and treatment of shareholders by informing Guidelines for
             Date of publication of the invitation on the   18 June 2021              Appointment of Proxy, Registration Documents, and Vote Casting and Counting
             Company’s website
                                                                                      and Guidelines for Registration and Electronic Meeting (E-AGM) Procedures in
             Date of dispatch of the invitation via        28 June 2021               the invitation letter and disseminated through the Company’s website and the
             registered post                                                          Stock Exchange of Thailand’s website and allowed shareholders to register

             Date of announcement in the newspaper         7-9 July 2021              to attend the meeting through the meeting control system two hours before
                                                                                      the meeting and until the meeting adjourned. Communication channels were
             Commencement of registration                   11.30 a.m.                provided to handle problems relating to the meeting and technical issues to
             Meeting time                               1.30 p.m. - 4.45 p.m.         ensure smooth attendance of shareholders/proxies.

             Number of directors attending the meeting   12/12 directors or 100% of total number
                                                           of directors               A simple voting menu was provided for voting, approval, disapproval or
                                                                                      abstention for each agenda item through electronic media as in the normal
             Number  of  shareholders  attending  the   1,302 shareholders collectively holding   meeting, where the voting ballots were prepared and voting rights exercised,
             meeting in person and by proxy at the   59.5038% of the total issued shares  and barcode was used in vote counting. The Company invited a legal advisor
             beginning of the meeting (Quorum:                                        to witness the vote counting for transparency and promote the good corporate
             at least 25 shareholders or proxies holding
             no less than 1/3 of the total issued shares)                             governance of the Company as well as giving shareholders an opportunity to
                                                                                      express their opinions and ask questions as appropriate, including record of
             Witness to the vote count              Ms. Jiraporn Chawachaisakun,      e-traffic of the shareholders attending the meeting as legal evidence.
                                                        a representative from
                                                    the Capital Law Office Limited
                                                                                      As such, the Company received a full score of 100 from the quality assessment
             Date of reporting the results of the    19 July 2021 at 10.05 p.m.       of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders conducted by the Thai
             meeting’s resolutions through the SET                                    Investors Association.
             Date of submission of a copy of the          2 August 2021
             minutes to the SET (within 14 days from                                  Role of Stakeholders
             the meeting date)
                                                                                      The Company recognises the role of stakeholders and places importance on the
                                                                                      rights of stakeholders by establishing guidelines on treatment of stakeholders
                                                                                      in order to ensure that they are treated properly, equitably and fairly, and are
                                                                                      provided with sufficient communication channels.
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