Page 156 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 156

154               l Introduction l Nature of Business l Organisation and Shareholding Structure l Business Review l  Corporate Governance l Financial Statements l Other Information l

            As of 31 May 2022, there were 8 executives*.                              •  To manage the Company’s business operations to be in line with the
                                                                                         business plan and the budget as approved by the Executive Committee
                                                                                         and/or the Board of Directors with loyalty, honesty, and due care in the
                        Name                             Position
                                                                                         best interest of the Company and the shareholders
             1. Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas         Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer,
                                               and Chief Officer of MATCH Business
                                                                                      •  To monitor the Company’s performance results to ensure that they are in
             2. Mr. Kong Chi Keung       Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer  line with the approved business plan and annual budget
             3. Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya  Executive Director and Chief Officer of MOVE Business

             4. Mr. Lap Shun Nelson Leung        Chief Officer of MIX Business        •  To regularly report the Company’s performance results to the Executive
             5. Mr. Rangsin Kritalug       Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer  Committee and/or the Board of Directors
             6. Mr. Surayut Thavikulwat             Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                      •  To perform other tasks as assigned by the Executive Committee and/or
             7. Mr. Daniel Ross                     Chief Investment Officer             the Board of Directors
             8. Mr. Sayam Siwarapornskul              Chief Legal Officer
                                                                                      •  To supervise general business operations as provided under the Company’s
            Remark :                                                                     rules and regulations
            *  The Board of Directors has approved and made amendment to the organisation chart. As a result,
             there are eight executives, pursuant to the definition stated in the Notification of the Securities and   Executives’ Remuneration
             Exchange Commission Re: Determination of Definitions in the Notifications relating to Issuance
             and Offering of Securities, as detailed above.                           The Nomination and Remuneration Committee considers and determines
                                                                                      the amount and form of the remuneration of the Chairman of the Executive
            Information and profiles of the executives can be found in Section 7.4 Profiles   Committee and the Chief Executive Officer on both short-term and long-term
            of Directors and Executives in this report.                               bases and proposes the same to the Board of Directors for consideration
                                                                                      and approval, taking into account various key performance indicators (KPI),

            Duties and Responsibilities of the Executives                             including but not limited to the following indicators, and also a comparison
                                                                                      with other listed companies on the SET.
            •  To efficiently and effectively manage the business operations in accordance
               with the Company’s policies, direction, strategy and operational structure

            •  To prepare the business plan, budget, and management authorities of             Position                  Key performance indicators
               the Company for the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors   Chairman of the Executive   •  Duties, Responsibilities and Results of the Annual
               approval                                                                Committee                  Performance Assessment
                                                                                                                •  Shareholders’ Wealth
                                                                                                                •  Corporate Governance
                                                                                                                •  Social and Environmental Responsibilities
                                                                                                                •  Corporate Image
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