Page 153 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                           5.2 Corporate Governance Structure  151
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee              •  To perform any other acts as assigned by the Board of Directors or as

               •  To consider, determine, update, and review the adequacy of the enterprise   stipulated by the laws
                  risk management policy and framework, and the potential effects of the
                  risks, including but not limited to strategic risk, operational risk, financial   More information on the structure, qualifications, term of office, and duties and
                  risk, legal and compliance risk, and environmental, social and governance   responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee can be found in the Risk
                  risk, as well as to supervise and support each business unit of the Group   Management Committee’s Charter at
                  to carry out its risk management as specified                          risk-management-committees-charter

               •  To consider, determine, review, and approve the risk assessment, risk   Executive Committee
                  response, mitigation plans and risk reports, and to oversee the risk   The structure of the Executive Committee consists of at least 5 members where
                  management process and determine the mitigation plans and measures     the members of the Executive Committee do not have to hold the position of
                  so as to ensure that such risks are at an appropriate and acceptable level  directors of the Company.

               •  To consider new or emerging risks which may have a long-term impact on   As of 31 May 2022, the Executive Committee consisted of 6 members.
                  the Company

               •  To encourage and support the development and improvement of the risk             Name                             Position
                  management process on a regular basis                                  1. Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas        Chairman of the Executive Committee
                                                                                         2. Dr. Anat Arbhabhirama                Executive Director
               •  To control and monitor the risk management results on a regular basis,   3. Mr. Surapong Laoha-Unya  Executive Director and Chief Officer of MOVE Business
                  as well as to assess the probability of occurrence of the risks from the   4. Mr. Kavin Kanjanapas   Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer,
                  operations of the Group                                                                                and Chief Officer of MATCH Business
                                                                                         5. Mr. Rangsin Kritalug      Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
               •  To establish a risk management working group to assist in performing its   6. Mr. Kong Chi Keung  Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer
                  duties, as well as to appoint an independent advisor(s) to provide advice
                  and suggestions
                                                                                         Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
               •  To acknowledge the report on the audit of the risk management process   •  To determine business policy, vision, mission, values, strategy and goals,
                  conducted by the Internal Audit Office                                    including the management structure of the Company

               •  To conduct an evaluation on the performance of the Risk Management     •  To prepare business plan, financial budget, and management authorities
                  Committee on an annual basis                                              of the Company
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