Page 155 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 155

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                           5.2 Corporate Governance Structure  153
               Annual Report 2021/22


                                                                                                        Office of the CEO

                                                                         Chief Executive Officer*       Communications

                                                                                                         Data Protection

                                                                         Deputy Chief Executive

                                                                                                                                             Company Secretary
                 Internal Audit Office

                   Chief Officer of    Chief Officer of    Chief Officer of     Chief Financial    Chief Investment     Chief Operating       Chief Legal
                  MOVE Business*       MIX Business*      MATCH Business*          Officer*            Officer*             Officer*            Officer*

                    Accounting         Finance          Business       Investor Relations  Sustainability     Human            Information        Legal
                    Department        Department       Development       Department        Department       Resources and     Technology        Department
                                                       Department                                           Administration    Department

               * Executives pursuant to the definition stated in the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission Re: Determination of Definitions in the Notifications relating to Issuance and Offering of Securities
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