Page 14 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 14

12              l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

               1.3      MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN

                                                                Dear Shareholders and Stakeholders,

                                                                As we wrap our FY 2021/22 from uncertainties and   At the time writing, there is an ongoing matter
                                                                pandemic woes, I would like to take pause and  regarding the Green Line concession extension
                                                                contemplate on the positive changes which have   with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
                                                                been reflective from our executions under the 3M   (BMA). We continue to be open and willing to
                                                                strategy; MOVE, MIX and MATCH. Additionally,   collaborate with all representatives of the BMA
                                                                with the rise in vaccination rates, tripling this year   and the Government in general. Due to the as yet,
                                                                (up to 130mn doses), and the cessation of     un-concluded discussions on a Concession
                                                                the Test & Go Scheme, the Ministry of Public Health   extension, a repercussion is that the outstanding
                                                                is ardent on classifying the pandemic to an endemic   receivables of over THB 40bn (from provision of
                                                                disease. Following the ease in COVID restrictions,  Operations & Maintenance, and Electrical &
                                                                we see optimistic signs evidenced by the recent   Mechanical works) owed to us by Krungthep
                                                                rebound in ridership levels, signifying passenger   Thanakom (KT, a limited company founded and
                                                                confidence to resume daily travel.            99.98% by BMA) have not yet been paid. The Group
                                                                                                              prioritises shareholder value with the utmost
                                                                BTS Group is committed to providing safe and  importance, prompting us to file a lawsuit against
                                                                reliable modes of transport for its patrons, working to  KT with the Central Administrative Court back in
                                                                uplift communities and assisting them through trying   July 2021. We are currently awaiting the Court’s
                                                                times and tribulations. This year our commitments   official ruling, which is expected to be resolved
                                                                toward CSR efforts and initiatives have supported   (in our favour) soon. Furthermore, we are optimistic
                                                                (i) various food-bank and consumer products  that the newly elected BMA Governor, will be
                                                                donations to COVID-19 patients across community   expediting the payment of this outstanding debt
                                                                isolation centres, flood victims, Foundation for Child  as one of his early initiatives.
                                                                Development and (ii) scholarships programmes, in
                                                                alignment with our Sustainable Development Goals.
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