Page 15 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                               1.3 Message from the Chairman  13
               Annual Report 2021/22

                Key Financial Highlights and Business           Limited and Nation International Edutainment Public   and the sourcing of 10% of total electricity
                Developments                                    Company Limited; the key piece in cementing VGI’s   consumption from RE sources. Our sustainability
                                                                ecosystem. With a more pronounced presence in  endeavours have also been ranked #1 globally in
                In FY 2021/22, the Group reported revenues of THB   Distribution, VGI intends to provide more compelling   the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in the Transportation
                31.2bn (decreasing 26% YoY) as we move towards   value to its customer brands, as well as the customers   Sector. With that said, I am also pleased to share
                the culmination of the development of the Pink and   they serve.                                 that BTS Group issued its first Sustainability-Linked
                Yellow Lines. The Group’s EBITDA margin stood at                                                 Bonds in 2022 amounting to THB 11bn, providing
                31.4% (compared with 25.2% YoY) and reported net   In MATCH, the Group saw a turnaround in share of   investors the opportunity to collectively support
                profit was THB 3.8bn. Our balance sheet remained   profit from investments in U City to THB 220mn   the transition towards sustainable financing.
                strong with cash and liquid investments of THB 19.2bn   stemming from the unrealised gain of recognition of
                and assets growing to THB 256bn as of 31 March   investments in Jaymart and Singer Thailand Public   In Moments of Crisis, There are Always
                2022 (up 21%).                                  Company Limited. In order for us to maintain     Moments of Opportunity
                                                                the momentum of our ongoing success, our MATCH
                Our MOVE business exhibited resilience from the   business partnered up with numerous companies   Regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic’s persistence,
                growth of its Rail Mass Transit O&M revenue, increasing   this year, including Advanced Life Assurance (A LIFE,   we are now seeing steep improvements in ridership
                by 18% to THB 6.3bn this year, due to the increase   subsequently rebranded to Rabbit Life), together with   trends and expect the number of rail and non-rail
                in the operating fee of the existing Northern and   both Jaymart and Singer. I truly believe investments   passengers to reach up to 3mn over the course of three
                Southern Green Line extensions. We continued our   within these companies, will generate positive returns   years. Additionally, with the arrival of our Pink and
                rail expansion with the development of our Pink and   along with strong earnings as they leverage, synergise   Yellow Lines, we are aiming to increase accessibility
                Yellow lines and anticipate the entire operations   and capitalise off our established MOVE and MIX   to local Thai citizens, ultimately contributing to
                to fully commence next year, contributing another   proprietary platforms.                       the country’s sustainable social-economic growth.
                65km or 53 stations to our urban rail network.                                                   On behalf of the Board of Directors, I owe all of BTS’
                For our non-rail business, construction of the two   Enabling the Transition to a Low-Carbon     accomplishments to our committed hard-working
                inter-city motorway projects (under the responsibility   Economy                                 employees and management.
                of the private sector) commenced at the start of                                                 I would also like to take this time to extend my
                this year, and commercial operations are expected   At BTS Group, our sustainability commitments remain   wholehearted  gratitude  to  our  shareholders  and
                to finalise within the coming years.            paramount, enabling the transition to a Low-Carbon
                                                                Economy. We take great pride in being the first and   stakeholders for believing in  BTS Group as we
                In our MIX business, out of THB 4.3bn total MIX  only carbon neutral rail transportation company   continue to strive towards many prosperous years
                revenue, THB 1.5bn was contributed from the  in the world. Going into FY 2021/22, we have refined   ahead.
                distribution platform of Fanslink Communication  our long-term climate strategy – to remain carbon
                Company Limited, whose revenues were consolidated   neutral and secure at least 10% Renewable Energy
                since August 2021. Additionally, we pursued strategic   (RE) consumption in our operations. BTS Group
                                                                                                                                          Mr. Keeree Kanjanapas
                expansions this year to reinforce VGI’s business  successfully continued to preserve our carbon neutral              Chairman of the Board of Directors/
                platforms of Advertising, Payments and Distribution   status through improved energy efficiency initiatives,       Chairman of the Executive Committee/
                through investments in Jay Mart Public Company   the continuation of our carbon credit offset programme          Chairman of the Sustainability Committee
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