Page 28 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 28

26               l Introduction    l   Nature of Business   l   Organisation and Shareholding Structure   l   Business Review   l   Corporate Governance   l   Financial Statements   l   Other Information   l  BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                2.1 BTS Group Overview  27
                                                                                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2021/22

               2.1      BTS GROUP OVERVIEW

            BTS Group Holdings PCL (BTSG) is a privately owned, multi-industry conglomerate   Expected Trips / Day in 2025
            that operates across 3 business platforms; MOVE, MIX and MATCH. Listed    13,000                     600,000               400,000                                                                >
            on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), BTSG is a constituent member                                         *                                                                                      40mn
            of the SET50 “Bluechip” Index, MSCI Asia Pacific Index,  FTSE4Good Index and   Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)  Smart Bus           Intercity Motorway                                               Unique Audience Reach
                                                                                                                 * Payment services provider through
            Dow Jones Sustainability Index and among the largest company in Thailand.                             our Rabbit
                                                                                      30,000                     20,000
                                                                                      Chao Phraya Express Boat   U-Tapao International Airport

                                                                                      Our MOVE platform is focused on the daily transportation of people, whether                     Our MIX platform is the combination of our “in house” data analytics and  Our MATCH platform is where we cultivate strategic partnerships. Here,
                                                                                      on rail, road or water. Our goal is to accompany our passenger for their full                   data science capabilities together with the Offline-to-Online (O2O) Solutions  we leverage off our unique and proprietary MOVE and MIX platforms to deliver
                                                                                      ‘Door-to-Door’ journey without interruption.                                                    that we provide to our clients across our Advertising, Payment and Distribution   enhanced reach and insight to our partners. We also receive mutual benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                      platforms. These unique and market leading third party services are provided  which can be realised across a variety of different business models, such as
                                                                                      Historically we have focused on the rail segment, where we develop and                          by our majority-owned and separately listed subsidiary, VGI Public Company  revenue share or equity (or dividend) income.
                                                                                      operate urban mass transit networks under long term contracts. We carry 0.8mn                   Limited (VGI) and its associate, Kerry Express Public Company Limited (KEX).
            Sustainability is at the heart of our philosophy and we are committed to protecting   passengers daily (pre COVID-19 outbreak), across 70km of electrified rail lines
            economic, environmental and social assets though sustainable business practices.   across greater Bangkok. Within the non-rail segment, we operate or own                 Aside from its exclusive O2O customer reach capability, MIX has unique and
            The Company upholds Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) frameworks   a network spanning bus, ferry, motorway, and airport segments and expect to                   proprietary data across a broad range of segments, and has compute capability
            with integrity and has been recognised for its commitment to sustainability by   carry 3mn daily passengers across rail and non-rail by 2025.                             to use this for the benefit of the Group, its partners, and to clients of VGI,
            numerous leading institutions around the world.                                                                                                                           subject to applicable regulatory constraints.
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