Page 33 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 33

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                     2.2 Income Structure  31
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Assets Used for Business Operations
               Major assets for business operations of the Company and its subsidiaries are as follows:

               The Company’s and Subsidiaries’ Major Fixed Assets for Business Operations
               As of 31 March 2022, major fixed assets for business operations of the Company and its subsidiaries are divided into 2 groups as follows: (1) Project Cost and Equipment
               and (2) Land, Property Projects and Leasehold Rights.

               Project Cost and Equipment                                                Computer Programme and Software
                                                                                         As of 31 March 2022, Computer programme and software of the Company and
                                                         Book Value                      its subsidiaries are as follows:
                    List of Fixed Assets      Type      (Million Baht)
                                           of Ownership     As of      Encumbrances
                                                        31 March 2022                                                   Type       Book Value
                                                                                                 Description        of Ownership  (Million Baht)  Encumbrances
                Project cost of Sky Train  Concessionaire  1,735.8          Nil
                Core Network related to                                                   Computer programme and       Owner         1,042.8          Nil
                the provision of advertising                                              software*
                media and space rental                                                   * Remark: Computer programme and software include Computer programme and software of MOVE, MIX and MATCH Businesses,
                on stations – MOVE Business                                                Accounting Software and Office Software
                Equipment – MOVE Business     Owner         327.2           Nil
                Equipment – MIX Business      Owner        1,077.3          Nil
                Equipment – MATCH Business    Owner         101.6           Nil
                (Food Business)
                Equipment – MATCH Business    Owner         161.4           Nil
                (Thana City Golf and Clubhouse*)
                Equipment – Others            Owner         195.7           Nil
                Total                                      3,599.0

               *Remark: Excluded Property for Business Operations as presented in Property business amounting of Baht 2,952.6 million
                as of 31 March 2022

               For more detail about assets used for business operations, please visit
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