Page 319 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 319

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  317
               Annual Report 2021/22

                     The components of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows:

                                                                                                                                                 (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                                               Consolidated                             Separate
                                                                                            f nancial statements                    f nancial statements
                                                                                          2022             2021                  2022             2021
                Deferred tax assets
                  Allowance for expected credit losses                                      39,228           37,319                  1,469            1,469
                  Allowance for impairment of asset                                         108,622          109,173                 2,625            2,827
                  Loss on measurement of investments                                        30,640            4,245                     -                -
                  Forward exchange agreements/cross currency swap agreement                  4,021            6,431                  4,021            6,431
                  Provision for long-term employee benefits                                 355,200          331,808                28,739           25,637
                  Lease liabilities                                                          2,234           16,257                  2,234            1,595
                  Tax loss                                                                  32,835           10,266                     -                -
                  Other                                                                     18,639           48,097                  9,472           18,495
                Total                                                                       591,419          563,596                48,560           56,454
                Deferred tax liabilities
                  Gain on measurement of investments                                        421,165          538,493               151,135          345,111
                  Revaluation surplus on land                                               454,172          454,172               454,172          454,172
                  Prepaid duty stamp                                                        50,899           53,396                     -                -
                  Transactions relating to sale of future net fare box revenues            1,557,588        1,535,830                   -                -
                  Transactions under concession agreements                                 1,038,253         862,752                    -                -
                  Others                                                                    90,162           74,409                 64,039           65,387
                Total                                                                      3,612,239        3,519,052              (669,346)        864,670
                Net                                                                       (3,020,820)      (2,955,456)             (620,786)        (808,216)
                Presented as
                  Deferred tax assets - net                                                 161,030          119,732                    -                -
                  Deferred tax liabilities - net                                          (3,181,850)      (3,075,188)             (620,786)        (808,216)
                Net                                                                       (3,020,820)      (2,955,456)             (620,786)        (808,216)

                     As at 31 March 2022, the Group have deductible temporary differences and unused tax losses totaling Baht 10,467 million (2021: Baht 10,841 million), on
                     which deferred tax assets have not been recognised.
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