Page 215 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 215
BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited 6.3 Financial Statements 213
Annual Report 2021/22
BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries
For the year ended 31 March 2022
(Unit: Baht)
Consolidated f nancial statements Separate f nancial statements
2022 2021 2022 2021
Cash f ows from investing activities
Increase in restricted deposits (2,937,540) (709,520) - -
Increase in short-term loans to related parties (500,000) (2,500,000) - -
Increase in long-term loans to related parties (104,988,000) - (16,706,020,795) (1,985,685,520)
Cash received from repayment of long-term loans to related parties 5,028,988,000 - 9,382,606,033 469,500,000
Interest income 480,036,889 342,343,788 599,455,989 291,881,359
Dividend received 602,563,917 650,878,302 7,964,054,165 1,096,353,654
Cash paid for purchase of of investments in financial assets (13,050,091,118) (13,191,291,856) (12,206,584,837) (10,455,079,476)
Cash received from sales of investments in financial assets 18,185,377,726 19,239,856,946 15,558,032,756 15,237,834,225
Cash paid for purchases of investments in subsidiaries - (4,441,032,467) (4,532,237,500) (5,004,379,119)
Cash paid for payables from acquisition of investment
in subsidiaries and associates - - (18,274,456) -
Cash received from sales of investments in subsidiaries 3,974,156,324 - 41,553,025 397,723,888
Cash received from return of capital of associate 266,202,000 750,381,000 266,202,000 750,381,000
Cash of subsidiaries with loss of control 74,579,964 - - -
Cash paid for purchases of investments in joint ventures (22,350,000) (772,481,249) - (740,000,000)
Cash received to settle receivable from acquisition of investment
in joint ventures - 5,389,104,000 104,767,754 5,389,104,000
Cash paid for purchases of investments in associates (18,329,808,656) (4,337,728,011) (11,422,024,868) (4,256,992,975)
Cash received from sales of investments in associates 2,626,992,712 2,048,790,301 2,516,688,127 1,113,790,301
Advance received form sale of investment - 412,031,000 - -
Advance paid for acquisitions of investment in subsidiary - - (2,835,005,010) -
Decrease (increase) in advances for purchase of assets 330,567,678 392,304,551 (360,000,000) 449,341
Increase in elveated train project costs (8,474,086,274) (12,074,316,006) - -
Cash paid for purchases of property, plant and equipment (358,850,821) (582,410,630) (39,707,805) (40,181,858)
Cash received from sales of property, plant and equipment 3,645,902 928,471 1,402 697,381
Cash paid for purchases of investment properties (2,969,656,833) (628,951,474) (25,761,553) (16,658,891)
Cash received from sales of investment properties 151,473,191 691,014,228 151,473,191 691,014,228
Cash paid for purchases of intangible assets (382,624,676) (236,284,019) (370,648) (2,808,154)
Cash received for sales of intangible assets - - 20,000 -
Net cash from (used in) investing activities (11,971,309,615) (6,350,072,645) (11,561,133,030) 2,936,943,384
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.