Page 297 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 297

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  295
               Annual Report 2021/22

               27.  Long-term loans from f nancial institutions

                                                                                                                                                 (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                 Loan                        Interest rate                               Repayment schedule                      f nancial statements

                                                                                                                             2022                2021
                  1   6M THBFIX plus a certain margin specified in the agreement  Annual installments as from February 2021 to       -              600,000
                                                                                February 2022
                  2   Zenginkyo Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (ZTIBOR) plus a certain   Annual installments as from March 2021 to     -              558,988
                        margin specified in the agreement                       March 2022
                  3   6M THBFIX plus a margin specified in the agreement      Principal repayment in 15 annual installments,   28,757,000          22,549,000
                                                                                with the first installment to be made when
                                                                                receiving the first installment of subsidiary
                                                                                from MRTA and can be extended to not
                                                                                later than July 2023
                  4   6M THBFIX plus a margin specified in the agreement      Principal repayment in 15 annual installments,   16,396,000          16,396,000
                                                                                with the first installment to be made within
                                                                                April 2023
                  5   Fixed rate plus a certain margin specified in the agreement  Principal repayment in 32 semiannual        9,898,000           6,000,000
                                                                                installments with the first and the last
                                                                                installment to be made within March 2023
                                                                                and September 2038
               Total                                                                                                           55,051,000          46,103,988
               Less: Deferred expenses relating to borrowings                                                                   (591,193)           (608,127)
               Net                                                                                                             54,459,807          45,495,861
               Less: Current portion                                                                                            (244,500)          (1,158,988)
               Long-term loans from financial institutions - net of current portion                                            54,215,307          44,336,873
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