Page 327 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 327

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  325
               Annual Report 2021/22

                       as a property manager under a property management agreement               has the right to use the land of the Bangkok Mass Transit System
                       and right to be appointed as a real estate agent under a real estate      without liability to pay any rental, fees or other expenses incurred.
                       agency agreement based on terms and conditions in the normal              The Arbitration Institute issued an order to temporarily dispose of the
                       course of business.                                                       case to await the Supreme Court’s order described in a) because
                                                                                                 it involved the same debt. However, BTSC recorded the liability
                     b) The Company had commitments amounting to Baht 61 million (2021:          (excluding interest) in their accounts. Subsequently, on 3 May 2018,
                       Baht 3,871 million) for payments of subsidiaries’ registered share        the Supreme Court decided the case. and the creditor withdrew the
                       capital.                                                                  claim regarding the letter of guarantee from the arbitration process,
                                                                                                 with claim regarding the consideration for the use of state owned land

               49.7 Litigations                                                                  and building rental remaining. On 13 November 2020, all witnesses
                                                                                                 from both parties were cross-examined by The Arbitration Institute.
                     a) Creditors under the business rehabilitation plan of a subsidiary (BTSC)   On 13 January 2021, the arbitral tribunal rendered an award to order
                       have filed petitions with the Central Bankruptcy Court with respect       BTSC to make payment for the use of state owned land and building
                       to their claims totaling approximately Baht 307 million, of which the     rental of Baht 34 million, together with interest at 7.5% per annum
                       official receiver ordered BTSC to pay approximately Baht 21 million.      on principal, from 21 February 2001 until BTSC makes payment in
                       Subsequently, on 3 May 2018, the Central Bankruptcy Court read the        full to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Currently, BTSC is in
                       Supreme Court’s order regarding the debt settlement entitlement of        the process of payment to the creditor.
                       the creditors, and the case was deemed to be finalised, with BTSC
                       required to pay debt totaling Baht 118 million together with interest at   c) On 25 June 2018, Midas, a former joint venture company between
                       a rate of 7.5% per annum (a subsidiary (VGI) is responsible for paying    VGI and Deelight Multimedia Co., Ltd. (“Deelight”), submitted a
                       approximately Baht 63 million). However, the business rehabilitation      dispute to the Thai Arbitration, Black Dispute No. 37/2561, claiming
                       plan stipulates that the creditor will receive settlement without interest.   that VGI was in breach of Midas’ Shareholders Agreement dated 5
                       BTSC and VGI recorded the liability (excluding interest) in their         February 2014 (the “Shareholders Agreement”) made between VGI
                       accounts. Currently, BTSC is in negotiations regarding the remaining      and Deelight, and requiring for damages in the amount of Baht 1,004
                       debt, which is the use of state owned land and building rental fee,       million with an interest at the rate of 7.5% per annum.
                       and the same debt as that in the arbitration case as mentioned in b).

                     b) A subsidiary (BTSC) was sued in an arb itration case by Bangkok          On 7 February 2020, VGI was notified of the arbitration award dated
                       Metropolitan Administration for payment of Baht 132 million for the       5 February 2020, rendered by a majority vote of the Tribunal (2:1),
                       use of state owned land and building rental together with penalties       decided that VGI was in breach of contract and that VGI must pay
                       and surcharges on the outstanding amount at a rate of 18% per             damages to Midas in the amount of Baht 579 million with an interest
                       annum and fees for a letter of guarantee (for the year 2006-2015)         at the rate of 7.5% per annum from the date of the dispute submission
                       totaling approximately Baht 12 million, together with interest at a rate   (i.e. 25 June 2018) until completion of payment. On 2 April 2020, Midas
                       of 7.5% per annum. BTSC argued that it had no obligation to pay           filed a motion to the Civil Court to render the judgment enforcing
                       these expenses because, under its concession agreement, BTSC              VGI to abide by the arbitration award.
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