Page 332 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 332

330                l  Introduction  l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

                  of the trains and related equipment and maintenance services in Euro      There is an economic relationship between the hedged items and the
                  and loan in USD. The debt instruments and foreign exchange forward        hedging instruments as the terms of debt instruments, the foreign
                  contract balances vary with the level of expected foreign currency the    exchange forward contracts, cross currency and interest rate swap and
                  purchases of the trains and related equipment and maintenance services    interest rate swaps match those of the expected highly probable forecast
                  in Euro and changes in foreign exchange forward rates.                    transactions (i.e., notional amount and expected payment date). The
                                                                                            Group has established a hedge ratio of 1:1 for the hedging relationships
                  Interest rate risk                                                        as the underlying risks of the foreign exchange, cross currency and
                                                                                            interest rate swap and interest rate swap are identical to the hedged
                  The Group uses interest rate swaps which are designated as hedging        risk components. To test the hedge effectiveness, the Group uses the
                  instruments to hedge cash flows on variable-rate loans. The Group         hypothetical derivative method and compares the changes in the fair
                  agrees to exchange the difference between fixed and floating rate         value of the hedging instruments against the changes in fair value of
                  interest amounts calculated on agreed notional principal amounts. The     the hedged items attributable to the hedged risks.
                  fair value of interest rate swaps at the reporting date is determined by
                  discounting the future cash flows using the curves at the reporting date
                  and the credit risk inherent in the contract. The interest rate swaps and      Hedge ineffectiveness can arise from:
                  the interest payments on the loan occur simultaneously and the amount
                  accumulated in equity is reclassified to profit or loss over the period   -   Differences in the timing of the cash flows of the hedged items and
                  that the floating rate interest payments on debt affect profit or loss.      the hedging instruments

                  Foreign currency and interest rate risk                                   -   Different indexes (and accordingly different curves) linked to the
                                                                                               hedged risk of the hedged items and hedging instruments
                  The Group uses cross currency and interest rate swap which is
                  designated as hedging instruments to hedge cash flows on variable-        -  The counterparties’ credit risk differently impacting the fair value
                  rate loans. These cross currency and interest rate swap comprise about       movements of the hedging instruments and hedged items
                  ZTIBOR of loans.
                                                                                            -  Changes to the forecasted amount of cash flows of hedged items
                                                                                               and hedging instruments

                                                                                            Details of debt instruments and derivatives, by maturity, hold as hedging
                                                                                            instruments as at 31 March 2022 and 2021 are, as follows:
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