Page 339 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 339

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                    6.4 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  337
               Annual Report 2021/22

               51.2 Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies                          Financial instruments and cash deposits
                     The  Group’s  financial  instruments  principally  comprise  cash  and      The Group manages the credit risk from balances with banks and
                     cash equivalents, accounts receivable, loans, investments, payables,      financial institutions and investments by making investments only with
                     short-term loans, debentures and long-term loans. The financial risks     approved counterparties.
                     associated with these financial instruments and how they are managed
                     is described below.                                                       The credit risk on debt instruments and derivative financial instruments

                                                                                               is limited because the counterparties are banks or foreign governments
                     Credit Risk                                                               with high credit-ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies.
                     The Group is exposed to credit risk primarily with respect to accounts    The Group regularly monitors and assessed credit risk of financial assets.
                     receivable, loans, deposits with banks and financial institutions and other
                     financial instruments. Except for derivatives, the maximum exposure to      Market Risk
                     credit risk is limited to the carrying amounts as stated in the statement of      There are three types of market risk comprising interest rate risk,
                     financial position. The Group’s maximum exposure relating to derivatives   currency risk and equity price risk.
                     is noted in the liquidity risk topic.
                                                                                               Foreign currency risk
                     Receivables and loans
                                                                                               The Group’s exposure to the foreign currency risk relates primarily to its
                     The Group manages the risk by adopting appropriate credit control         investments, purchases of trains and related equipment, maintenance
                     policies and procedures and therefore does not expect to incur material   service, borrowing in foreign currencies and foreign investments.
                     financial losses. Outstanding receivables and contract assets are
                     regularly monitored. In addition, the Group has receivables representing      The Group manages its foreign currency risk by hedging transactions
                     government authorities and does not have high concentrations of credit    of forecasted purchases of trains and related equipment, maintenance
                     risk since it has a large customer base in various industries.            service and borrowings in Note 51.1 to the financial statement.

                     An impairment analysis is performed at each reporting date to measure
                     expected credit losses. The provision rates are based on days past due
                     for groupings of various customer segments with similar credit risks. The
                     Group classifies customer segments by customer type and rating. The
                     calculation reflects the probability-weighted outcome, the time value of
                     money and reasonable and supportable information that is available at
                     the reporting date about past events, current conditions and forecasts
                     of future economic conditions.
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