Page 51 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
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BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                             2.4 MIX  49
               Annual Report 2021/22

               Since transforming VGI strategy from being a media rental company to a    through MATCH business, allows MIX business to have both unique and
               complete O2O Marketing Solutions provider, VGI now encompasses the        diversified data inside its marketplace. With a sweeping vision – to serve
               completed ecosystem spanning Advertising, Payment and Distribution. These   the community with unique and sustainable solutions that greatly contribute to
               allow VGI to reach a wider and more diverse group of consumers, for VGI to   an improved life, MIX business has been building a strong data scientist team
               better understand the needs of consumers precisely.                       to collect, analyse and interpret large amounts of data, turning it into a useable
                                                                                         and insightful form to create better marketing strategies and communications.
               Combining such data together with behavioural (eg. Travelling) data from   These smart marketing tools and solutions will ultimately deliver significant
               the MOVE business and the data received from the collaboration with partners   value uplift to its clients, the Group and its partners.

                                                                Data Analtytics/      Marketing Solutions/
                                                                        Scientist     Strategy

                                                              Data Market Place       Communication
                           Diversity of Touchpoints  VGI Platform           BENEFIT                                          Unique & Useable Data to be Used In


                                   Partnership                 Revenue                            Reach
                                                                      Profit /             Business
                                                                   Profit Margin         Opportunity
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56