Page 56 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 56

54               l Introduction l  Nature of Business  l  Organisation and Shareholding Structure  l  Business Review  l  Corporate Governance  l  Financial Statements  l  Other Information  l

            Within the OOH media landscape, the urban population spends more time     2.2 E-Commerce Industry (Payment and Distribution)
            outside their homes and the trend has shifted from the sole focus on OOH   In 2021, Thailand’s e-Commerce market grew remarkably by 75.0% YoY to
            platform to an integrated platform connecting the offline and online worlds.   THB 693,000mn , driven by the Coronavirus outbreak, leading consumers to
            This new approach has proven more effective helping advertisers reach     switch their shopping behaviour to online channels. This impressive growth was
            the target audience instead of broadcasting to the public via mass communications   also spurred by more retailers and brands moving towards digital commerce
            and meet the advertisers’ objectives in creating awareness, engagement    to seize the e-Commerce boom, the growth of Thailand internet penetration
            and conversion. In this changing environment, companies are able to adapt   reaching 77.8%, coupled with an increase in time spent online and overall
            themselves are more likely to survive and outperform their peers.         consumer purchasing power.

            Nielsen study indicated that OOH is the most efficient offline medium for   The expansion of the e-Commerce market has significantly influenced the
            generating online activations for search engine and social media, delivering   Thai government to launch the Digital Thailand 4.0 programme in order to
            four times more online activity per dollar spent on any offline media.    accommodate digital payments. Under this programme, the government has
            Advertisers are using cross-channel campaigns that combine OOH placements   allocated a budget to build a nationwide broadband network, installing more
            and mobile ads as the conversation requires marketing campaigns from multiple   than 881,337 electronic data capture (EDC) terminals  across the country
            media channels.                                                           as well as launching the PromptPay service, which allows registered customers to
                                                                                      transfer funds using only their mobile numbers or citizen ID. Such initiatives
            In addition, digital technologies have enabled a significant growth of OOH   have brought a new wave of opportunities to the digital payment sector as
            advertising. Future Market Insights  expects the global Digital OOH to grow   it is an important part of the e-commerce market as  evidenced by the robust
            substantially by 11.0% CAGR over 10 years from 2018. The integration of OOH   growth of digital payment transaction – increased by THB 20,400mn or 544.6%
            and online/digital media allows both sectors to gain more market share in   comparing to the volume in 2016. This massive expansion in digital payments
            the overall advertising spending, particularly from the traditional media sector,   was also driven by demands arising from an increase in the number of internet
            credited to the higher quality and dynamic advertising, the comprehensive   users and mobile phones, and an influx of innovative technology allowing for
            customer targeting and more effective measurements.                       more convenient transactions.

            3  Future Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services in
              over 150 countries
            4  Priceza is a shopping search engine and comparison platform with presence in 6 countries in
              Southeast Asia.
            5  BOT
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