Page 55 - BTSGroup ONE REPORT 2021/22_EN
P. 55

BTS Group Holdings Public Company Limited                                                                                             2.4 MIX  53
               Annual Report 2021/22

               1.3 Bangkok Payment Solutions                                             The Thai advertising market has been influenced by major developments over

               Bangkok Payment Solutions Company Limited (BPS) was established on        the past years. Traditional media such as television, newspaper, magazine
               30 April 2014 as a joint venture between VIX Group and BTS Group. VIX Group   and radio has been in steady decline, while OOH and online/digital media
               is the technology development leader for Central Clearing House (CCH) and   have become the preferred choice of advertisers. The expansion of OOH and
               Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) services. BPS will be the vehicle for developing   online/digital media has been encouraged by several factors, including lifestyle
               software and providing technology services, for an integrated mass transit and   changes – the urban population spending more time outside their homes;
               payment systems for Thailand. BPS will have three main revenue streams:   the rapid increase in the number of internet users (in 2021, the internet
               1) services revenue from payment solution projects (CCH and AFC development),   penetration rate in Thailand stood at 77.8% with the average time a consumer
               2) recurring service and maintenance contracts and 3) electronic data capture   spends on the internet over 414 minutes per day , a significant increase from
               hardware device sales.                                                    300 minutes per day in the past several years) and with the growing recognition
                                                                                         of these media, as an effective and measurable advertising/marketing tools.
               2. Industry Analysis and Competition

               2.1 Advertising Industry
               According to the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the country’s GDP growth turned
               positive in 2021 - growing 1.6% compared to the previous year. The growth was
               mainly driven by the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic situation along with
               the development of vaccination rates, leading to the ease of the government
               restrictions and improving economic activities. With this, the overall advertising
               expenditures were slightly increased by 1.1% YoY to THB 107,785mn .
               The digital/online and television media sector, increased by 10.7% and 2.9%
               to THB 23,315mn and THB 65,000mn, respectively. Meanwhile, the cinema,
               traditional media (newspaper, magazine and radio) and OOH media declined
               by 19.1%, 13.6%, and 8.1% YoY to THB 3,398mn, THB 7,652mn and
               THB 10,308mn, respectively.

               1  Nielsen Company (Thailand) and Digital Advertising Association of Thailand (DAAT)
               2  We are social, Hootsuite, Jan 2022
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